By Sebastiaan Hoogewerf

When Japan meets India

Last week we had a very unusual but very exciting wedding program for 2 days.

A mixed wedding with Japan and India!!

The whole conference center was changed into a Japanese scenery with temples,lampions,big drums,Sakura(cherry blossoms)and off course many more what make you remember of Japan.

First day was very exciting as there would be a double cake cutting ceremony which was done by sheikh Mohammed and the chairman,plus the groom and the bride.

Also was the first day only for the family,Royal guests and close friends.Which reached the number of 1200!

It was a great success with lots of elegance,luxury and no limit on money spending.

Second day was a bit different as this day was for all the staff from the universities and hospitals which were owned by the chairman (father of the groom)

Wedding cake was also an unusual flavor which was Greentea with Vanilla.

outside of the cake we layered with chocolate sheets which were printed with cacoabutter in the same design as the invitation card.

I hope you enjoy.


4 responses

  1. Really cool pictures and so clear! You made a few shots in close up and they turn out great. Love the color and the composition of the images.

    Well done & Good Job!

    January 11, 2010 at 5:16 am

  2. astheroshe

    I am amazed and inspired…so beautiful.

    January 17, 2010 at 2:32 pm

  3. Risa

    Dear Chef Sebastiaan

    I’m truly inspired by you desserts, and was wanting to know, what are the green cord like circles made out of? the ones that surround the tempered chocolate balls on the first picture.

    thank you,


    December 8, 2010 at 7:49 pm

    • pastrynetwork

      Dear Risa thanks a lot for ur comment!
      The green cord is actually just natural helmgrass bended in circles.

      Regards Sebastiaan

      December 9, 2010 at 1:03 pm

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